
After the rural idyll: images of the British countryside as a non-idyllic environment

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Between a rock and a cold place: glaciers and landscape development

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China: past and present

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Coastal environments: understanding the impacts of sea-level rise and climate change

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Coastal landscape development

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Demographic change and population projections

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Development solutions: One size does not fit all

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Does where you live affect your health? Unpicking the geographical determinants of health.

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Dynamic Dunescapes: Shifting sands

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Exploring the importance of glaciers for water, food, and energy security

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Faults and earthquake hazards: the past is the key to the present

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GA Annual Conference: Dipo Faloyin - Africa is Not a Country

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GA Annual Conference: Esri - I am a geographer! What does a professional geographer do?

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GA Annual Conference: James Cheshire - The Power of Maps

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Gentrification: how can we create fairer cities?

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Geography in the digital age: the opportunities and challenges of smart technology

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Geomorphical hazards in deserts

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Geomorphology in the Anthropocene

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Glaciers, climate & climate change: understanding the key concept of mass balance

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Global institutions: do they still have a role in the 21st century?

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New geographies of global money? Chinese finance in London

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Governing the sea as a global common – challenges of trade, power and resource management.

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How can we live with risk?

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How to save a city

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Impacts of climate change on infectious diseases

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It’s the end of the world as we know it? Geography, population and resources

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Linking spatial questions and digital technologies to understand geographic patterns

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Making LGBTQ communities, changing LGBTQ spaces

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Putting the ‘geo’ in geopolitics, and why it matters

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Resilient buildings & climate change

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Resource flows and sustainability in 21st Century cities

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Rethinking nature in cities

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Sustainability – a key geographical concept

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Tackling the climate emergency: carbon, climate, ecological and energy systems

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Tectonic hazards in the Caribbean: hazard, vulnerability, impact and risk

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The changing face(s) of Sheffield

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The global energy paradox: towards a New Energy Order

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The weather of 2020

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Trading with the dragon: China in Africa

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Volcanoes: from inception to eruption

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Wildfires in a changing world

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River Top Trumps Game

GeogPod - the GA's podcast

Methods Book Series